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Do you, or does someone you know, need help now?

Do you, or does someone you know, need help now?

Do you, or does someone you know, need help from mental health and addiction services? 

I or someone I care for is in immediate danger of harm 
> Call 111 for an emergency response.   
I am in crisis and am currently being treated by an MHAIDS service 
> Call the team that supports you between 8am-5pm. If you don’t have their phone number, check our website

> After hours, call us on 0800 745 477
I am worried about my mental health and am not currently being treated by an MHAIDS service
> We encourage you first to talk to your GP or other healthcare provider about your mental health as a first step to getting support. Most mental health and addiction difficulties can be treated successfully in primary care. However, your doctor can refer you to us if you need specialist mental health or addiction treatment.  
> If you are unable to talk with your doctor, or you do not have one and need urgent help, call us on 0800 745 477. 
> You can also ring or text 1737 to talk to a trained counsellor.  
I am worried about someone else
> Mental health support and treatment means that whānau, support people, and/or friends can be meaningfully involved in a person’s recovery. We encourage you to have a conversation with the person about your concerns and ask them to get in touch with us, or with their GP, to talk.   

Due to our privacy obligations, we cannot share a person’s medical history with you.   

> We understand that it is not always possible to have the person contact us, or they may not want to talk to anyone about what they are going through. If this is the case, call us on 0800 745 477 and we can discuss options for assisting the person to get the support they need.
I need someone to talk to and my usual supports aren’t available
> Call or text 1737 to talk to a trained counsellor.  

> Call one of the national helplines for support. 

Change to our service: March 2024 

From Monday 25 March our 24-hour telephone contact centre will be managed by Whakarongorau Aotearoa. 
People in mental health distress or crisis can continue to call the same number as previously – 0800 745 477.  However, when their call is answered, they will now be welcomed to the ‘Greater Wellington Mental Health and Addiction Service’ instead of to ‘Te Haika’.  


Will the 0800 745 477 phone number change? 

The phone number will stay the same.  

I live in the Wairarapa, what will change for us? 
If you live in the Wairarapa and want to contact the adult community mental health/child and adolescent services, you can also call 0508 432 432. During business hours this number will be answered by someone in the Wairarapa offices and after hours will be automatically switched to Whakarongorau Aotearoa. 

What is Whakarongorau Aotearoa? 

Whakarongorau Aotearoa is a well-known national telephone service which offers free, 24/7 health advice and support across New Zealand. Their role is to get you the help you need, as soon as possible.   

Peer support is also available on their 1737 number between the hours of 2-10pm – find out more on their website

Will there be any change to the care/treatment I receive? 

You will still be able to talk to someone who can help you or give you mental health and addiction advice 24/7.  

If you are currently under treatment with our service, this will not change. If you are being treated by our services, please contact your team between 8-5, Monday-Friday. 

Last updated 22 May 2024.