The work towards a new Māori Mental Health and Addiction Service for Te Awakairangi is embedded in our local community, beginning with a series of wānanga attended by community stakeholders across Te Awakairangi.
Close relationships with mana whenua are crucial, and we acknowledge our local Iwi for their support of the project, including through representation on our Kaitiaki Rōpū.
The members of the Kaitiaki rōpū represent:
- Mana Whenua
- Te Kakano o te Aroha Marae
- Wainuiomata Marae
- Gifted Wairua (Lived Experience)
- Rongoā Experts
- Ministry of Education
- Te Whatu Ora kaimahi
- Ngā Tekau AOD Services
- Whai Oranga o te iwi Health Centre
- Te Paepae Arahi
- Te Whare Mārie Wellington Māori Mental Health Service - Mental Health, Addiction and Intellectual Disability Services (MHAIDS)
Image: Tricia Keelan, the Regional Wayfinder for Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora, Te Ikaroa (Central Region) is presented with the concept paper for a new Māori MHA service in Te Awakairangi by Molly Kino (Kaumatua, Te Kakano o te Aroha Marae), August 2024. | ![](handover2.jpg)
The rōpū was formed in October 2023, and quickly began work on service design at a series of wānanga.
The output from these was collated into a draft
community delivery model by the Project Team. This allowed the model to be presented to the MHAIDS leadership team, stakeholders, and the community. It also formed the basis of a business proposal, which was submitted to Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora in June 2024.
The rōpū is supported by a Project Team, led by Project Manager De’arna Sculley. It is made up of supporting and enabling roles from Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora Capital, Coast & Hutt Valley, and has a supportive, rather than a decision-making role.
While the proposal is being considered for approval and funding, the rōpū and project team will continue to plan for implementation, and strengthen and grow kaupapa Māori roles with rongoā (traditional Māori healing practices) and gifted wairua (lived experience).